There is a story that i want to share with you.
On the last Friday, I was off to cycling as usual after school. I was kind of board because my class is just really short, was a self study type and what I did in the first week in the class was just typing practice.
Ayway, I went cycling for a while to check out one of the lakes near my house. One the way to the lake there was a massive park and I saw a group of kangaroos running in the park far away. It was actually my first time to see them.
When I came back to my home. There was a hoemstay daddy at home, using the Internet as usual. Somehow, he seemed to be upset. He looked at me and said 'where have you been, Yohei?' I said 'Just cycling to a lake' and he continued 'did you lock the key? it wasn't lock when I came back home, it was completely open'. He told me that I must lock the key and set the alarm when I was the last person at home. and It seemed like I forgot to lock. So I apologies for the mistake.
He was still upset and said quietly:
I want you pack your stuff and leave here by tomorrow's noon.
To be continued.....
Are you OK?
Hey Yohei, nice meeting you today
that's pretty harsh for your "homestay daddy" to kick you out like that, at least now you can have fun at the backpackers place and not worry about getting kicked out for not locking up the front door!
Yohei let me know if you need help with anything, that's a very raw deal you got there my friend. Does the agency who set up the homestay know? They might be able to help you find another family to stay with.
I will call you Thursday and see if you want to get in on a bit of Velodrome action. Like I said if you need help with anything, you have my phone number mate so don't hesitate to call.
Are you japanese? Mai Haruna is excellent!!!!
kick him out ! and rob him of home ! I don't exactly know about your host but it will be oviously not fun in az if you go on stay with them.
PS I got a job. I will continue to be in Kyoto or be out of Japan in 5years.
Are you serious? what did the rest of the family say about that? Have you had problems with him before?
You should definitely contact the organization who put you there, and tell them about this. I don't think that they should be able to just kick you out on short notice, for making one mistake.
Unless he'd warned you about this many times before >_<
I know Australia is a land full of criminals, and not as safe as Japan ^o^(JOKE THERE) but he sounds like just a childish and controlling guy.
Hi Yohei,
Haven't heard from you in ages, I heard your in Australia.. apart from what you just said in your diary hows it going?
If I were you I would say I wanted to change homestay.. No point in staying in a bad place, that's way over the top.
Yeah man backpackers' place is a full of fun man! I want to live here for a month or something it should be quite fun!
Cheers mate. Yeah, I've already re-arranged the next homestay family. I'm actually moving there tomorrow. the location is perfect this time. Its near North Perth!
Yeah, let me know when you go to the Velodrome action. I would love to try it!
Monkey Shingo
you know, there are so many different families in the world. I would say I was just unlucky. It could happen any time if you doing homestay.
yeah, it was actually my second time to forget to lock the door. but i feel much better apart from not receiving the refund. here at back packers's place is much more comfortable than the previous home:)
hey whatts up??
Things are good apart from my living place and the creazy school system, which I will talk about later. Perth is cool place fairy nice climate and friendry people here. also nice place to bike!!
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